Out stalking the last few days and I came across this. I smelt him long before I found him. Been there about 2 weeks I’m guessing. He’s been going round and round trying to free himself from the tussock and that’s where he stayed.
Out stalking the last few days and I came across this. I smelt him long before I found him. Been there about 2 weeks I’m guessing. He’s been going round and round trying to free himself from the tussock and that’s where he stayed.
Over the years iv saved some fallow deer from the pampas or toitoi but have come across dead ones to I do think that theres probably a few they loss there life a year like that
I came across a red one time that had caught its hind leg between the two top fence wires as it was jumping over.
What a lousy way to go.
Winter 2006 saved this stags life at Waihora. There were marks all around him of his mates coming to see how he was getting on.
The second one was still really warm, so I butchered and ate it.
It’s always upsetting to come across this.
Not a nice way to go,lot of fallow get caught up in fences every year.
our son found red hind hooked up just like that,he euthanised her with .22lr and carried her home....her ladyship went off her rocker at him for shooting a deer,he let her rant n rave then produced his camera and showed video of hind BEFORE he shot her....shut her up right smartly.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Untangled quite a few Sika stags off the top wire of fences
They often limp very slowly away for 20 yrds and sit down
I retreat quietly and leave
Coming back the next day I have always found them dead where they sat down
The stress gets them
What remains with me is their fear, as you get close their eyes bulge and they tense and shake, then the instant you grab their antlers they let out a yell/roar. Eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr. Just in sheer terror at being touched
I hate seeing animals suffer in any way, any animal
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
it could also be the bad blood on far side of trapped limb.... blood poisoning sort of thing. why crush victims arent automatically whipped out from understuff if they have been there for any length of time..current best practise is,if you didnt see it happen yourself,its too late for quick extraction.
75/15/10 black powder matters
We see lots hooked up in top wire also see lots of bucks with there antlers wound up in fences