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Thread: Suppress or not

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Suppress or not

    I guess this is a very contented question
    These are my thoughts anyway, I am looking to get a tikka t3 in .308 with a full suppressed barrel ( I don't care for the end of barrel suppressor,looks clumsy )

    it's been ages since I've hunted, sooooo long ago when men didn't use a girly suppressor ,and as far as I know you couldn't get them anyway
    I lite up my old 303 the other day and man did my ears ring
    So here's my Dilemma

    My reckoning ,one or maybe two shot for meet and go home , different if I was shooting all day ,I would soon be deaf ,eh I know it sounds like I'm talking myself out of a purchase but the gun looks so sexy ,after my old Lee Enfield 303

    And another thing,what about the suppressor causing barrel whip problems , I also believe a fully suppressed barrel has been machined down to accommodate the suppressor

    Has anyone used the t3 full barrel suppressor, what's your grouping like

    Thanks guys for listening to my ravings
    Looking forward to your comm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth
    As long as the rifle you are getting is doing the job you want it to do go for it.i have not personally shot an integral suppressed rifle, so I can't comment on their accuracy.
    One thing not to be neglected, is every suppressed rifles , be it integral or muzzle add on require a higher level of maintenance than an unsuppressed gun due to the level of carbon build up.
    So as long as your gun does not loose it's zero after cleaning go for it .
    Also, even stainless guns need proper maintenance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Have a t3 in 308 with a Dpt on the end, very happy with it. Had a 223 t3 fully suppressed, something wrong with it and heaps of black faith and sludge on, e barrel when I took suppressor off, has some get on the scope objective as well, not happy.

    Groupings were ok with both!

  4. #4
    Member homebrew.357's Avatar
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    Well I`m from the old school, a gun had a wooden stock and a blued barrel, if you shot it ,it went bang, so ear muffs on the range, in the bush it`s only one shot. Now days it has to be a plastic stock, s steel , fluted barrel, a huge hunk of brain pipe on the end so you are up with the latest and greatest gear. We have been hunting for years, you see a deer, up with old sudden death, " booom", meat for the freezer, so what's` the use of the muffler on the end of your barrel. That's what you get from one how has a P Hale standed in .308 , Marlin 3030, 45 muzzle loader, Sharps 45-70, that I love blasting away with black powder at the range. In the end it`s your choice, have fun.

  5. #5
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    I like my hearing, it is very acute. I like hearing kids, one of the most amazing sounds in the world. All my rifles get a suppressor.

    The extra weight doesn't worry me as I haven't carried anything without a suppressor. With a flexible plastic stock the extra weight and gas retention reduces recoil which improves accuracy. I suspect it would also reduce barrel whip. The fact that your ears were ringing is a good indication that you should do it.
    Savage1, Matt2308 and Pixie Z like this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  6. #6
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Guess it depends on what you intend. I supressed my 223 when I used to do pest control work, and I might shoot 5_6 rounds rapidly. It was not unusual to do 100plus rounds a weekend. My other rifles are left bare. The can is muzzle forward and does look a bit funny but ive got used to the rifle with it on so keep it. Accuracy actually improved when i got it supressed because the crown got recut. If i want a bomb up with my other guns, earmuffs is the answer.

  7. #7
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by homebrew.357 View Post
    Well I`m from the old school, a gun had a wooden stock and a blued barrel, if you shot it ,it went bang, so ear muffs on the range, in the bush it`s only one shot. Now days it has to be a plastic stock, s steel , fluted barrel, a huge hunk of brain pipe on the end so you are up with the latest and greatest gear. We have been hunting for years, you see a deer, up with old sudden death, " booom", meat for the freezer, so what's` the use of the muffler on the end of your barrel. That's what you get from one how has a P Hale standed in .308 , Marlin 3030, 45 muzzle loader, Sharps 45-70, that I love blasting away with black powder at the range. In the end it`s your choice, have fun.
    It's all awesome until you're stone deaf and can't hold a conversation. Polio was par for the course until not that long ago too. Hearing loss must suck, big time, and I plan to avoid it. A few hundred bucks for the latest tech isn't always a bad thing, considering what's at stake

  8. #8
    SiB is offline
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    I fitted a Gunworks suppressor onto my shortened .308 Tikka so very little change in weight or balance to my guesstimate.

    Save your ears

    There'll be plenty here who advise on the merits of shortening but I'm happy w mine!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I've just become a soft cock! I like suppressors, except for my BP guns, I then put the suppressors on my already deaf and ringing ears!
    tetawa likes this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Parahaki, Whangarei
    Shooting unmuffled 303's/L1A1's during my Air Training Corps/National Service days = $10K hearing aids 7 years ago.
    I don't hear very well with these either.
    My $0.02 worth, your choice.
    My recommendation (20/20 hindsight), MUFFLE THE BASTARD - ugly quiet is better than looking good and going deaf.
    One shot or one thousand - deafness ain't good for your social/family/friends interaction performance.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I am all for suppressors, the first 20 years I didn't use one but now 10+ years later of running a few different cans, heavy stainless and lite alloy. There is no way in hell I would use a unsuppressed rifle now unless I had earmuffs. My dog likes it too as well. My last hunting trip in the other day i fired 28 rounds on deer pigs and goats and that's a lot of ringing in the ears if not suppressed. And another plus is less muzzle jump.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Put a round through my 17hmr the other day and thought 'holy sh+t' that's more noise than I like, all mine have a suppressor of some kind be it the 308 or 22. Less disturbance to other game, neighbours and often hunting with a dog

  13. #13
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WallyR View Post
    Shooting unmuffled 303's/L1A1's during my Air Training Corps/National Service days = $10K hearing aids 7 years ago.
    I don't hear very well with these either.
    My $0.02 worth, your choice.
    My recommendation (20/20 hindsight), MUFFLE THE BASTARD - ugly quiet is better than looking good and going deaf.
    One shot or one thousand - deafness ain't good for your social/family/friends interaction performance.
    Madness not to

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Times are different now. You'll get looked at funny by most for shooting unsuppressed with no hearing protection. Every shot does permanent damage and it adds up.

    Can't comment on a full suppressed barrel, all I've heard is that they're more effort than they're worth, but suppressing a rifle is a no-brainer. You'll get used to the look of them and then bare barrels will start looking like the weird ones. Get some nice cerakoting done to make it look a bit sleeker if you need to.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    All my rifles get suppressed. DPT cans on all of em,my son and dog both appreciate it and you get used to the look of a suppressor pretty quick.Accuracy enhanced and neighboring livestock or other deer in the area aren't disturbed. Do it man👍

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