What sort of weird/funny stories do you have with taking out a new guy for their first hunt?
Like sneaking through the bush, and all you hear is 'thump', 'crunch', etc as he steps up on to old logs and jumps down the other side.
"Ssshhh" you go. "Don't jump and thump...the deer will hear us".
Nek minnit...'thump, crunch, etc'.
After about 1/2 hour of this he went 'thump' as he jumped over another old log and suddenly 'crash, crash' off to our left as a couple of deer took off.
Yeah...never took him out again.
Or the guy who insisted on taking his car up into the forestry track. I knew there was a mud hole further up and warned him as we approached it.
"Stay to the right" says me.
He drives straight into the bog...and we were stuck.
"Oh, I thought I could get through there easy" he says (yeah right...with an HQ Holden).
So tramp out to see Mr. Ranger Sir and get the HQ pulled out of the bog.
End of that 1 day trip too.
Never took that guy out again either.