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Thread: Hunting Belt - What do you use ?

  1. #16
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lehndorf View Post
    I'm keen to see /here what others are using for hunting belts / bum bags etc. I've tried a few different types and have settled on the one below. I hunt with this and a Puka - and find this belt set up a quick and easy way get to things without digging into you day bag etc. I've put a couple of snaps of it below. The first one is of the belt and the other is to give an idea of the stuff in it.

    The belt is light weight seat belt type material with a quick clamp buckle - and from the left ;

    - small pouch for GPS and spare Batteries
    - Medium size pouch for 1st aid and emergency stuff
    - Medium size pouch for, spare ammo x 6 pills, electricians tape, snack, head lamp, bit of string, Kleenec tissue pack for Bush No2,easy sharpener
    - Drink bottle & holder
    - knife
    - Small pouch for camera

    Works for me

    Attachment 15553Attachment 15554
    Damn that is a lot of stuff to carry on your belt. I doubt I have that much in my day bag.
    On my belt goes knife, small pouch (with map, spare ammo, map, matches, diamond steel and short rope) and rangefinder.

    The rest will go in day bag if carrying. Although I did buy a bumbag from one day to try out
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  2. #17
    Member Roy Lehndorf's Avatar
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    HMMMMMMMMMMMMM ........I thought I was moving light , .........I had a major near miss years ago and now paranoid enough I cant go into the bush with out my 1st aid kit and GPS....I don't carry anything in my Puka - I leave that empty for hope I can fill it with meat !! ....
    Work Just Gets In The Way

  3. #18
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    I don't have a day bag so all my shit gets put into mates one and he gets to carry.
    Has worked well in my favor for many years LOL
    veitnamcam and Nibblet like this.

  4. #19
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lehndorf View Post
    HMMMMMMMMMMMMM ........I thought I was moving light , .........I had a major near miss years ago and now paranoid enough I cant go into the bush with out my 1st aid kit and GPS....I don't carry anything in my Puka - I leave that empty for hope I can fill it with meat !! ....
    Oh right I thought you were carrying stuff in there too.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone



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