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Thread: Eastern F&G Ballot holders to be charged a "maintenance" fee

  1. #1
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Eastern F&G Ballot holders to be charged a "maintenance" fee

    Got my reconfirmation letter today, and it seems that from next year, successful ballot holders will be charged a fee for "Annual Habitat Management".This is to give them funds to "subsidise the costs of employing short term staff appropriately qualified and experienced to undertake all of the weed spraying and physical maintenance works required".
    This is being done because many ballot holders don't do a bloody thing to leave their stand and surrounds in a better state than when they got their ballot. So now those of us that do the work each year, are going to subsidise the lazy bastards, who will do even less now! There was a rule that allowed F&G to kick out any ballot holders who did not keep their maimai and surrounds in good condition, but I guess the definition of good was totally subjective, and too hard to enforce.
    I sympathise with F&G, as they need to do something to maintain their wetlands, however, I fear that now that there is no requirement for the ballot holder to do any work, there will be even less respect shown for the wetlands.
    Also of concern is the statement " .... DOC, which has an interest in the reserves also, has concerns in relation to the unsightly nature of some of the maimais..." . I shudder to think of the ramifications of that statement should DOC chose to become heavy handed.
    The fee is proposed to be "set at as conservative a level as possible, and would apply to [U]each[U]of the hunters holding the stand".

    I think a bit of consultation would have been good on such a contentious issue.!
    EeeBees and Cordite like this.
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  2. #2
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    I agree ...consultation would have been a very good idea on such an issue ... 'the unsightly nature of some of the maimais" ... what does good condition of surrounds actually mean, perhaps collection of spent ammo? So just how much is this going to cost the ballot holders ... mmmmmm?

    Lentil, is there a fee associated with the ballot in the first place...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  3. #3
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Like most of these things, they are probably testing the waters to gauge the reaction. There are so many questions that need to be answered, and the whole thing is open to interpretation.
    To me it would have been more sensible for F&G to inspect every maimai each year and recommend remedial work for those ballot holders that need to do some work. Give them plenty of notice, and after 2 strikes, they are out!
    I can imagine that our extra payment will all go on a couple of stands each year ( unless the charge is quite substantial). If a couple of stands is all that gets sorted each year, then surely there is a better, more cost effective way.

    I notice that on the wetland that I shoot, some stands have mum, dad and 3 kids as ballot holders. F&G say they are going to charge each ballot holders. How is that fair?
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  4. #4
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Hence your very valid statement re consultation with the ballot holders ... sorry, Lentil, I am not a waterfowler so I do not know the ramifications of this issue totally but the example you give re the stand where the couple with their three children are ballot holders ... if the father was to become the only ballot holder does that mean that his family cannot be present? I imagine the children would be made ballot holders for their use later on ... a generational aspect ...

    physical maintenance work ... I wonder what that means ...!!
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Building consents and planning permission for maimais, drainage and sewerage and traffic management for access sites. These may sound funny but from what you say its not a great leap as once you start regulating one thing others add on very quickly. The question should be asked how much of these fees will be spent on the admin the new system requires, how much on actual inspection and will it achieve anything.
    I have a very low opinion of f&g their aspirations are to be commended but their delivery is severly flawed.
    EeeBees and blake like this.

  6. #6
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    Building consents and planning permission for maimais, drainage and sewerage and traffic management for access sites. These may sound funny but from what you say its not a great leap as once you start regulating one thing others add on very quickly. The question should be asked how much of these fees will be spent on the admin the new system requires, how much on actual inspection and will it achieve anything.
    I have a very low opinion of f&g their aspirations are to be commended but their delivery is severly flawed.
    I agree. There are some very good people in Eastern F&G, and the intentions of this new system - on the surface - seem fine. After all, any improvements in the wetland that enhance our waterfowl, has to be good. I have seen some parts of the Kaituna wetland choke up with raupo and weed over the last 10 years. However, I cannot see how a "conservative" fee will be enough to pay for manpower to do enough work to maintain all stands. I believe that they will use the fund to clean up some stands that never get maintained, and that brings us back to the rest of us paying to get lazy bastards stands sorted. I say no. Sort out the real problem!
    EeeBees likes this.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    [QUOTEThere are some very good people in Eastern F&G][/QUOTE]

    yea where were they when some idiot put in a hen pheasant limit ??
    most of easterns counsillors probably to busy poking thier snouts into hawkes bays coffers and bizz.
    im kidding sort of ofcourse there are good people in eastern thers just been very little evidence of thir influence in the last year or 3.
    our ballots down here at boggy creek, the land now in docs hands but formerly f&g owned, is admisistered by f&g.
    the ballots are given to one person and are redone yearly who we have as well in our maimai is only restricted by its size.
    im more than a little suspicious and nervous of thier motives given they get a 100 buks a year already to look after wetlands, gamebirds from you already.
    have you been asked who you have in your pozzy besides the ballot holder yet. that would make me cringe???

    Got my reconfirmation letter today, and it seems that from next year, successful ballot holders will be charged a fee for "Annual Habitat Management".
    who physicly owns the wetland f&g or Doc personaly i think they got a fuckin cheek considering if you have multiple ballot holder then you have multiple licence buyers to.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 15-10-2017 at 08:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    We get checked by rangers every year (twice this year), and police accompanied them this year also. I have nothing to hide, but get annoyed that we get targeted, because everyone has a licence ( a condition of getting a ballot), so just an easy way of stacking up licence checks/ticking boxes? The chance of finding any non-compliance on balloted wetlands is very low.
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  9. #9
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    I'll bet DoC has had a lot more to do with this than is readily apparent. don't forget their attempt a few years back to bring in regulations to have all dogs leashed on their "estate". I contested this at a Taupo Council meeting some years back.

  10. #10
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    I'll bet DoC has had a lot more to do with this than is readily apparent. don't forget their attempt a few years back to bring in regulations to have all dogs leashed on their "estate". I contested this at a Taupo Council meeting some years back.
    No mate read the minutes for Easter F & G ...... DOC hardly attends meetings have minimal contact with F & G

  11. #11
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lentil View Post
    We get checked by rangers every year (twice this year), and police accompanied them this year also. I have nothing to hide, but get annoyed that we get targeted, because everyone has a licence ( a condition of getting a ballot), so just an easy way of stacking up licence checks/ticking boxes? The chance of finding any non-compliance on balloted wetlands is very low.
    I have only been checked once in Thirty Years then the numpty couldn't spell my name as the licence was in my truck I had to fill out his compliance book for him

  12. #12
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Bonecrucher Is that 2 words or 1, is it a K or a c for crusher? Is it your first/second or third name. According to Google you don't know how to spell your own name. There are many ways to spell the same name, so yes we do ask how do you spell Graeme at times. Not all Game bird shooters speak so clearly and eloquently as you do. Who in their right mind would walk around in the quick sand and God forsaken spot that you shoot in. People do get checked in Balloted areas, it a very quick way F?G can access numbers being shot, Maimai's that are not being used but were balloted for, hunter behavior etc. I think F/G management of ours and certainly Bonecrushers area has a lot to be desired. Will I renew this year? probably as for us it's not about the ducks. Will I range this year probably not. I have rebuilt every Maimai that I have won in a ballot at some cost to me. I'm really suspicious on what F/G are considering.
    EeeBees and gsp follower like this.
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  13. #13
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gapped axe View Post
    Bonecrucher Is that 2 words or 1, is it a K or a c for crusher? Is it your first/second or third name. According to Google you don't know how to spell your own name. There are many ways to spell the same name, so yes we do ask how do you spell Graeme at times. Not all Game bird shooters speak so clearly and eloquently as you do. Who in their right mind would walk around in the quick sand and God forsaken spot that you shoot in. People do get checked in Balloted areas, it a very quick way F?G can access numbers being shot, Maimai's that are not being used but were balloted for, hunter behavior etc. I think F/G management of ours and certainly Bonecrushers area has a lot to be desired. Will I renew this year? probably as for us it's not about the ducks. Will I range this year probably not. I have rebuilt every Maimai that I have won in a ballot at some cost to me. I'm really suspicious on what F/G are considering.
    "Bonecrusher" was a race horse my nickname is horse / hoss so why not be the best horse that ever ran around a race track.
    Over the thirty years that I have shot includes the Manawatu, Canterbury, Eastern + at least two other area's I have only ever been checked the once ;-) I'm always legal buy my license and spend fair too many dollars on gear every season my girls reckon I'm the ultimate consumer
    No quick sand in the area I shoot at Aniwhenua Gapped Axe just a 400 metre wade in with the waders on float the deeks in on a plastic sledge mate

  14. #14
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    I think Eastern have just looked over the Kaimai's at Waikato F & G ballot system and followed that nothing new in what they propose, the issue with the Council make up in Eastern is that most of the Councillors aren't active duck shooters majority fish only so hence lead by the nose so to speak

  15. #15
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    I have rebuilt every Maimai that I have won in a ballot at some cost to me.

    This year (with a new ballot) is the first year that we have had to do bugger all work. The last place was the worst we have had for work to be done. Raupo pulled out (not sprayed) for 80m each sideof the maimai, and the maimai completely remade. Was a lot of work, and I kinda missed that this year. Never bloody happy eh!

    I will be writing a letter to Eastern F&G and voicing my opinion regarding their new proposal.
    EeeBees, gsp follower and Sparrow like this.
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion



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