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Thread: Barking Complaint

  1. #1
    R93 is offline
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    Barking Complaint

    Just heard from the cook that last week someone rang the dog ranger and complained about the mutt barking all day while she is at work and the kids are at school.
    They said he was barking from 5am-5pm which is impossible as the cook doesn't leave for work till well after 5am.

    While pissed off at the style of complaint I don't blame them. I would be pissed if it were the other way round.

    Only one complaint but she has spoken to an immediate neighbour today and he is still making a bit of noise but they are not worried.

    Any of our close neighbours would have the balls to come over and chat as we know them all and they know we have a pup. Cook comes home every lunchtime and let's him out while she has her lunch.

    I am in PNG and short of coming home early I cannot do much. The mutt is never in the kennel when we are home and imo is the problem in the first place. My fault.

    I had the run and the kennel in the garage for the first few months and he seemed fine.
    Maybe being outside and seeing and hearing different things set him off.

    Any ideas I can pass on to the cook to help while I am away?
    I told her to kennel him while they are home and only let him out when he is behaved.
    I am not into collars but I don't want anymore issues.
    He has an awesome insulated kennel and good run. I do not think it is a comfort issue.

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  2. #2
    Member Bavarian_Hunter's Avatar
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    Citronella bark collars seem to be alright for barking. Like you I don't like collars but it worked for my sister in law pretty quickly to get the ranger of their back.

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  3. #3
    SiB is offline
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    I totally empathise mate. I was away and my neighbor was checking my dog twice a day, giving her a run etc. I took a call at 5am from other neighbor complaining my dog was barking and barking. Turned out my dogs water bowl had not been filled! The sense of helplessness was quite devastating until all resolved.

    I'm sure there are numerous dog behavioural-experienced members here who may be able to give some specific pointers re your situation.

    Certainly I've learned to be strict w myself to establish and maintain consistency, routine and variety. Your dogs telling the world something; figuring out what it is, is the challenge.
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  4. #4
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    You mention he was quiet until a change in his sleeping arrangement, I would start there. He is young, it's all about routine at this age.
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  5. #5
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    You mention he was quiet until a change in his sleeping arrangement, I would start there. He is young, it's all about routine at this age.
    I agree. I just got off the phone with the cook as it is bothering me. Almost got on a plane to head home early.

    Not as bad as she initially made out but bad enough to warrant some attention.

    He knows the noise of her car and the garage door and starts up then as well.
    She and the kids are too soft on him and let him out as soon as they are home.

    Might have found a soloition to stop for now so the neighbours don't flip out even tho they say they're ok with it.

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  6. #6
    ebf is offline
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    Citronella bark collar
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  7. #7
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Citronella bark collar
    Maybe. What are those sonic collars like anyone know?

    He will be going to the farm until I get home if there is another complaint or our immediate neighbour says he is still barking enough to be annoying.

    He will have an older cattle dog to keep him company and busy.

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  8. #8
    ebf is offline
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    The psycho chihuahua mongrel we have barks her head off at anything (typical tiny dog syndrome). I wont ever put a shock collar on a dog, but the citronella one works like a charm. They learn very quickly...
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  9. #9
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    Only permanent solution lesson be learned buy something more pliable

  10. #10
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
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    Only permanent solution lesson be learned buy something more pliable
    Shoot a 5 month old GSP because he is barking when alone which is most likely my fault?

    Yeah. Na.

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  11. #11
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    No dog expert mate, but we have a few.
    Those sonic things work ok....for a while, and then not so much.
    Suggest the cook opens garage door and goes for a drive and walks home to see how bad it Is?
    If she can catch him barking the old squirt with hose trick or whack on top of kennel should have the desired effect if she keeps at it.
    If you want to borrow a collar sing out.
    Good luck keep us posted

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  12. #12
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    I'm no expert seeming as my dog has been a bit of a c**t in this department but gotten a lot better.. Multi pronged attack has worked best for me. I've just tried to make sure he's not only going in the kennel at bad times (when I'm leaving etc) and tried to make it nicer for him in there too (meat/ bones whenever he in there).

    Stuff that I've done:
    - Don't let him out straight away when you get home so he doesn't think he's called you home to let him out.
    - Chuck him in there when people are around etc so he gets used to it.. Lock him up with food and what not and just let him chill. My dog is spending quite a bit of time in the kennel now a days I alwasy just put him in there for good things though like delicious treats or when he is quite happy straight after a walk etc.

    Boredom won't help the situation with a pup. Give him something to do when they leave..e.g. a big hearty bone from a poorly boned out animal. Vet nurse type people seem to think those kong balls go good and you fill them with peanut butter and the dog can spend hours trying to lick it out or something. Bigger walks so he's real tired as well.

    There are also "adaptil" colllars which release dog appeasing pheromone which is supposed to calm the dog which some people say work for separation anxiety/ general fear type problems. Could also try put a coat on him. I haven't tried either.

    Sorry if all that's just blatant stuff, but you did ask. It's a terrible pain in the arse and makes you feel pretty shitty I know.
    I'm sure an expert will pipe up soon.

  13. #13
    Member stuart's Avatar
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    Been in the same boat, sucks when they won't come talk to you first. I had a book on dog control left on my door step with excessive barking highlighted and vivid on the cover directing me to a page in the book the day after the ranger called me

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Shoot a 5 month old GSP because he is barking when alone which is most likely my fault?

    Yeah. Na.

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    GSP's in my view/experince not normaly "bark" wine yes - but not bark at nothing usually.
    Will be strange sounds/noises - is he timid or bold ??

  15. #15
    R93 is offline
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    She has done that bar opening the garage door. (Good idea) Has locked him in kennel and driven home a different route after a quick trip to town and the bugger has been quiet as.

    I wrecked the hose last time I was home but I will pass that on.

    Thanks for the offer of a collar
    I will see how we go, seen one on tardme for under 20 bucks delivered.

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