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  • 3 Post By stug

Thread: Kayuga Pilot cut Gen 2 review

  1. #1
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Rolleston, Canterbury

    Kayuga Pilot cut Gen 2 review

    I’m pretty impressed with these broadheads. I’ve shot two animals, a pig and a spiker, with them now and the penetration has been impressive.
    I’m using the 100gr with the wide bleeder and they weigh about 120gr.
    These broadheads shoot with my fieldpoints out to 80yds. Didn’t try any further than that.
    First shot on the pig was 38yds, I was above the pig and the arrow entered mid height behind the shoulder and exited low by opposite front leg. The arrow penetrated with so much force that it snapped the tip off the broadhead on the rocks.
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    The blood trail was insane and the pig only made it 30yds downhill.

    Second shot was a red spiker at 75yds. Arrow entered high just below the spine and exited through the centre of the “Vital V” right beside where the humerus joins the shoulder blade. The blood trail was good, but not as good as the pig. The spiker made it 52m.
    Name:  6ECA2AE4-20A8-460E-80E2-025D00B576DB.jpeg
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    The arrow was a pass through, I found it snapped off behind the insert, never found the broadhead and insert. Either the arrow got full penetration and snapped off when hitting rocks behind the deer, or the arrow didn’t fully penetrate and it snapped off at the broadhead when the spiker ran off.

    They aren’t the easiest broadhead to sharpen because of the different angles, but the performance definitely makes up for it. I’ve bought them from Apexhunting or straight from Kayuga, shipping isn’t too expensive.
    Micky Duck, nickbop and Billbob like this.

  2. #2
    Member Billbob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Nice, I see Archery park here in nz has them too. They go up to whopping 175gr weight!

  3. #3
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Rolleston, Canterbury
    Buffalo material there!



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