About Ryan_Songhurst

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About Ryan_Songhurst
South Island
Quantum Physics
Environmental Terrorist


270 is a harmonic divisor number[1]
270 is the fourth number that is divisible by its average integer divisor[2]
270 is a practical number, by the second definition
The sum of the coprime counts for the first 29 integers is 270
270 is a sparsely totient number, the largest integer with 72 as its totient
Given 6 elements, there are 270 square permutations[3]
10! has 270 divisors
270 is the smallest positive integer that has divisors ending by digits 1, 2, …, 9.


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25-04-2024 06:26 PM
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6 Friends

  1. Glenshee Glenshee is offline


  2. jobasa jobasa is offline


  3. JustKiddin JustKiddin is offline


  4. Kaiser Metz Kaiser Metz is offline

    Gone but not forgotten

    Kaiser Metz
  5. Rushy Rushy is offline


  6. Sean Sean is offline


Showing Friends 1 to 6 of 6


  1. ebf
    ebf liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 03-07-2018, 06:10 PM
    GSP HUNTER liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : More 270 Win Loads
    LRABs are where its at if you wanna compare dick sizes, 150gr has basically the same as the 7mm 162 eld-x.... Now if the projectile companies would get their act together and make the likes of the...
    Liked On: 02-07-2018, 01:27 PM
  3. Dreamer
    Dreamer liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 01-07-2018, 10:26 PM
  4. Tim Dicko
    Tim Dicko liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Timaru Creek June Aerial 1080 Drop
    But no, it's not Josh James if that's who you're referring too, part of the reason I like Josh is his morals and convictions, keeps it real, gets given a truck by Isuzu and isn't afraid to tell the...
    Liked On: 01-07-2018, 09:11 PM
  5. 7mmsaum
    7mmsaum liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : New Gun & Knife Shop
    I assume you have asked the mods to have this post on here?
    Liked On: 01-07-2018, 06:47 PM
  6. madjon_
    madjon_ liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 01-07-2018, 10:05 AM
  7. veitnamcam
    veitnamcam liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 11:28 PM
  8. Micky Duck
    Micky Duck liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's going on a special project for now and will eventually go on zkk 600 (in 270) when I manage to get another scope for "special project" rifle
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 10:00 PM
  9. Kiwi Greg
    Kiwi Greg liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 09:47 PM
  10. nak
    nak liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 08:27 PM
  11. Mathias
    Mathias liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 08:24 PM
  12. Fireflite
    Fireflite liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 07:57 PM
  13. gadgetman
    gadgetman liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 07:40 PM
  14. Micky Duck
    Micky Duck liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's not on a firearm yet but this thing is pure class in my eyes, 30mm steel tube Kahles Helia S 1.5-6x42. I wanted this exact model scope and have spent the past 18 months on and off keeping an eye...
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 07:30 PM
  15. Shearer
    Shearer liked post by Ryan_Songhurst On thread : Gun Porn, show off your new toys
    It's going on a special project for now and will eventually go on zkk 600 (in 270) when I manage to get another scope for "special project" rifle
    Liked On: 30-06-2018, 07:16 PM



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