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Thread: A Time to remember

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    A Time to remember

    To learn the old ways .

    As a young fella I remember some Maori people that lived near us, growing up in a era when
    we where all New Zealanders or Kiwi's .With no racial barriers & people seemed to get along
    a lot better than in some instances today.It seems now that this young Pakiha boy was going
    to be taught the old ways.It wouldn't happen in a class room but in a more gentle way ,apparently
    this had been decided for me with out my knowledge.Weather my farther had organized it or was it
    just how thing where done I have no idea about why but like it or not this would happen .
    My education began with trips to gather Kai moana ,weather at night collecting rock crabs or day
    time outings gathering shellfish ,Muscle ,Pipi ,Cockel .There where kids my age envolved but
    I am thinking back 50 years so excuse me if I miss details.
    I recall being sent to deliver fruit ,vege & other items when we had surplus.They would also
    recipricate with their own surplus,crayfish was 1 of those things & where received great fully .
    On 1 of my deliveries the man of the house was in bed ,middle of the morning .When I inquired was
    he sick ,the answer was no .He had been out fishing all night & now he needed to sleep.I was
    taken into the wash house & the twin concrete tubs where full of fish ,snapper ,Kahawai etc.
    I'd never seen that many fish before although I was only perhaps 5 yrs old.
    I was told of the place in time where they fished & how as sun set the old people would go down
    to the water to fish.Drift wood was gathered & a fire set ready .This was to keep out the chill of
    the night air as the men folk would fish all night .As it became light they would go home with their
    sacks of Kai moana to feed family's .Here was a special place where you left nothing but
    foot prints.A place where food was gathered to feed family ,meat was expensive then too.
    Fish would not be cleaned here they are to be taken home to be cleaned .If done
    here it may foul the ground & the fish would move,it just wasn't done. Taken home all was used ,
    any thing not edable was used as fertaliser for the vegetable garden .Nothing was wasted .
    I also learned the traditional times to fish ,places & tides they where productive.I still fish some of
    those places today. Thinking now how privaledged I was to be taught these things, the attitude that
    their was plenty for everyone but they asked that you respect their ways & culture.I would rate to
    think how many fish & meals those places have provided me over the years I have gone there.
    In later years I was becoming a very keen fisher ,many hours where spent with mixed success .Some
    days & indeed for most part I never got enough for a feed. After 1 such trip ,sitting after thinking about
    why, I came to the idea that if the old Maori came home empty handed he & his family didn't eat .That
    was the cold hard reality , so how did they manage .The idea of Maori fishing calenders came to mind,
    nothing new there unless your a non-Maori, so a trip to the local book shop was made . I looked at a
    couple before deciding on a Tuhoe version,a fishing & planting calender apparently .The couple of
    dollars turned my fishing around major,this fishing guide had been around a long long time. I had mates
    that laughed ,that won't work .Your dreaming ,waste of time. bla bla bla Oh OK yea yea yea sure but it
    seemed it was working for me just fine thanks.
    That first Tuhoe calender was 30+ years ago now .How things have changed ,12' solid glass rods
    replaced by 14' then 16' hollow glass.The reels are the same again Mitchell 488's left hand drive
    models ,different from the 487's of 30 years back .They where right hand drive. Line basically the
    same ,rigs have been improved & refined .The old ones have now passed on ,they left me some thing
    very special .Now though some 50 years down the track ,the old people that took the young Pakiha boy
    under a wing & took time to impart the old ways ,the traditional places they fished.
    I find myself coming back some of those places. The feeding peck 2 hours each side of high tide still
    exists ,as does the 1hr each side of low tide at another spot & the first 3 hours after low tide yet
    another couple of spots .But still the most productive is the high tide feeding peck & applies to most
    ocean beaches I've fished.After all this time I'm still very great full for the opportunity I was given to learn & be taught.
    Coupled with, later on the Tuhoe calender this knowledge has feed myself & those around me for a long time & hopefully a longer time to come .
    Gun control means using both hands

  2. #2
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    And so the knowledge is passed on again Chris. It was a different time indeed. Neighbours knew and helped each other and thought nothing of it
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  3. #3
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
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    Great stuff, Chris - we all have that responsibility to pass the knowledge on to the kids these days cos they are growing up in suburbia and need to learn their own country

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    And so the knowledge is passed on again Chris. It was a different time indeed. Neighbours knew and helped each other and thought nothing of it
    I hope some one may get something of value out of this .
    Gun control means using both hands

  5. #5
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    And so the knowledge is passed on again Chris. It was a different time indeed. Neighbours knew and helped each other and thought nothing of it
    You are dead right chris and rushy I remember as a kid that the neighbours all knew each other, new people that moved into the street would go around and introduce themselves, even the farmers all used to know each other well and help each other out with the hay and silage but where has all that gone now these days it is all about secrecy, snobbery and selfishness the days are gone where people knew and respected each other and also helped each other out and those that want to learn or get experienced are brushed aside in favour of the experienced because in this day and age no one seems to have the time of day for newbies ( I speak from a job seekers point of view on this part) and yet people forget that they were once taught and given a chance to get to where they are now.

    I remember this old feller that used to live up in the back blocks of papamoa he used to come in to the old mans service station weekly and drop off feeds of smoked fish to him you don't see that sort of thing happening these days.

    it is just a shame my time with my old man was cut short before he could teach me the ins and outs of hunting in the bush as he was waiting till I was old enough to handle his 303, which is probably one reason I rarely go out in the bush because I do not know what the hell I am doing when it comes to looking for deer as no one has taught me or shown me so pretty much have forgotten about the idea of deer hunting now and starting to rekindle my passion for fishing in a big way.

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  6. #6
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    Garages attached to houses and automatic door openers/ closers, I only know what type of car lives there, we have a street coffee once a year at a local cafe, it's always good to meet new people, hahaha,
    Boom, cough,cough,cough



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