Hey guys I just recently treated myself to some new binos and currently I have been using a chest harness that attaches to my binos on some elastic chords.
Whilst it is handy I like the idea of a chest harness/pack setup where the binos sit in the pack not tethered to the harness.
Want something that is quiet to access
Not too bulky and heavy
Suitable for 10x42 binos
Have been looking at the kuiui (spelling)
Also the badlands however they look a little bulky
I have been told the kuiui ones don't keep all the shit out dirt small bits of brush etc
Are there other ones that I should be considering that aren't too hard to get hold of here in NZ ?
My mate has a leupold setup but I've never seen any available for sale ?
Have seen the vortex and twin needle setups and didn't like them
Thanks guys looking forward to your replies