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Thread: Suppressing a Rossi Puma 92 in 44mag

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    The 'Naki

    Suppressing a Rossi Puma 92 in 44mag

    I'm thinking of suppressing my 44mag Rossi Stainless. Currently has a Scout Scope on it which works very well. 20 in barrel. Interested in what others have done with a Puma.

    I don't want to shorten the barrel..I had a 16in and find I much prefer the 20. I use 14x1mm thread on my bolt actions and DPT cans. 44mag obviously has larger dia..what thread is best?

    I'm willing to lose the front sight to go over-barrel. Any good reasons not to?

    I'm looking for a subsonic bush-brush rifle effective at 100m with 240-300gn projectiles.

    I have the same rifle in 357mag, 44-40 and 454Casull. Don't really want to suppress the 357mag and definitely not the 44-40 or 454.

    Input welcome.

    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    you will love it..mate has begera .44magnum suppressed.... loads of fun. my suggestion is just take it/send it to DPT and tell them to do it,leaving it full length.....they know what works n doesnt. can see no reason not to go overbarrel.worst case you have to drop scout scope back to normal position...
    witchcraft likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The 'Naki
    Yeah will stand to lose some of the magazine, interested to know what it comes back to with standard over barrel vs barrel forward

    Scout Scope is back as far as can go to keep ejection port clear.. will not interfere even with over-barrel
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  4. #4
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    you will move the front barrel band right back against stock.......like so many have been made over the years anyway,so no issue I can see. its a 44mag so the extra rounds not needed anyway ...IF YOU CANT KILL IT WITH 4 OR 5 rounds.....you wouldnt do so with 12 LMFAO...
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    you will move the front barrel band right back against stock.......like so many have been made over the years anyway,so no issue I can see. its a 44mag so the extra rounds not needed anyway ...IF YOU CANT KILL IT WITH 4 OR 5 rounds.....you wouldnt do so with 12 LMFAO...
    And what if there is more than one "it"...
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  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    well you best be aiming correctly then...5 from any mob is good going lol
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  7. #7
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    The DPT over barrel come back about 100mm from the muzzle, so you lose about 100mm of mag length. .44 Normally uses an 18mm thread from memory.
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  8. #8
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    I did the same to a new Citadel a while back, modified a new Sonic muzzle forward can and made arear extension for it. After cutting down the mage tube it holds 5 rounds (357 Mag). Takes a bit to do but ok when you have the kit.

    Still new, only put 10 or so rounds through it, anyone want it $1600 (plus $100 for the red dot/laser)

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  9. #9
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    I had suppressed ruger 77 in .44 mag,I wouldn’t bother again as the big hole in the end made it hard to make quiet ,I found shooting heavy cast subsonics with trail
    boss through normal length barrel to be quiet enough,use them in my Rossi lever gun now,for the extra effort of chopping/suppressing /losing front sight I don’t personally think it’s worth it on a .44
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  10. #10
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    Also at 100m those subs are gonna be dropping like a stone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The 'Naki
    So the whole question of subsonic is pretty interesting. If we say for sake of argument that an effective target fps for subs is 1020. So a bit of margin for elevation, barometric pressure, a generous powder measure etc.

    Say further, that a desirable bullet weight at that fps is between 220 and 300 grains.

    What diff does it make to range and drop whether that bullet exits say a 308, a 303B, a 300 Blackout, a 44mag, a 357mag etc etc - all other relevant things being equal ?

    Its not like BC is going to matter, correct? Not at 100m. Killing effectiveness will vary depending on SD and projectile format, like RN vs FP vs HP. Or whether deep penetration is required, or great expansion. Etc and so on. But none of that matters to trajectory. As far as trajectory within 100m goes, calibre makes little diff if bullet weight and velocity are the same. What am I missing?
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  12. #12
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    The bigger the hole the bigger the noise. I have a 450 bushmaster which is incredibly loud despite having fitted an 8 baffles over barrel suppressor.
    The weight of the projectile plays a big role as well. If I follow your exemple of a muzzle speed of 1020 ft, you need more powder behind a 300 gr xtp than you do behind a 200 gr soft lead projectile, which in turn produces more gases, and more noise.( the 450bm shoots a factory 395 gr bullets. I could easily reload with 230gr at the same speed with less powder to quiet things down a bit).
    You can also reduce your speed ( which reduces pressure, which reduces noise) by going at slower speed. Try some reloads at 800 to 900 fps and you will hear the difference versus the 1020 fps ( with the same projectile). The environment in which you shoot also plays a role on how you perceive the noise : an open paddock versus tight bush for exemple .

    The next thing is your trajectory. Try to get the most consistent speed possible. A light crimping can help a lot.
    If your max range is 100m, then yes the difference between the calibers you mentioned will be negligible.
    But if you want to tackle things further , like between 100 and 200m, I believe that you will have an edge with more aerodynamic bullets like the 300 blackout, or 8.6 BO hand loaded with the appropriate bullets. Around 160m is my own limit in distance for shooting animals consistently . I have played on target further but the grouping is generally not up to my liking , hence why 160m is my own limit.
    Last week I shot my 8.6 BO at 300m with sierra SMk. The vertical dispersion was over 40cm high on a straight vertical line . So I know I have a lot more work to do to tighten that group. I had pretty much 15mils of elevations.

    One last thing is how tight can you get your groups. The quality of your barrel, your components, your reloading and how good you shoot will determine very quickly what will be your maximum ethical shooting range.
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  13. #13
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    think .22lr cause trajectory is similar..... and for what its worth,using subsonic in 22lr I no longer bother with suppressor,its quiet enough for me.
    said this before will probably end up saying it again..with subs it is ALL about hitting in eggzachary the right place,zero margain for error as zero shock factor...you are in effect doing same as a fella with bow and arrow using field points.... it bores a calibre sized hole through stuff,VERY LITTLE bruising as very little shockwave....the leighigh projectiles and a couple of other new kids on the block work on making projectile fly apart sort of like mechanical broadhead to increase the wound cavity size but its still a cutting wound not a shock factor(like being stabbed Vs being punched) if you miss brain/spine by an inch animal will run away wounded,whereas if projectile going not a hell of a lot faster had hit same place it would stun them somewhat allowing follow up shot...... chest shots are chest shots but with a sub again its a cutting wound without the punch factor.
    I believe Im close to the ultimate bailed pig load...well it WILL BE two loads ,as there is no way around the shortcomings of subs
    first load will be a cast ,powder coated as soft of lead as possible.or a 180 grn XTP....probably going between 1000-1100fps so on edge of subsonic
    and second load will be hotter than a $2 pistol wont matter so much what projectile as long as it hits hard and DOESNT EXIT.....the soft cast do this very very well....
    first load for quiet pigs or smaller pigs and second for the big suckers who may injure dogs or just wont stand and play ball.
    I stuffed it up often enough head shooting my own sheep with subsonic .30 calibre to make me just go back to using .223 with normal loads.....far superior results
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    75/15/10 black powder matters

  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    as to what calibre it exits..two things bigger hole in barrel =more noise to escape/harder to make it quiet and secondly if your already getting complete penertration with 150grns..any more weight is redundant/wasted its only advantage would be at range where it carries momentum further.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    think .22lr cause trajectory is similar..... and for what its worth,using subsonic in 22lr I no longer bother with suppressor,its quiet enough for me.
    said this before will probably end up saying it again..with subs it is ALL about hitting in eggzachary the right place,zero margain for error as zero shock factor...you are in effect doing same as a fella with bow and arrow using field points.... it bores a calibre sized hole through stuff,VERY LITTLE bruising as very little shockwave....the leighigh projectiles and a couple of other new kids on the block work on making projectile fly apart sort of like mechanical broadhead to increase the wound cavity size but its still a cutting wound not a shock factor(like being stabbed Vs being punched) if you miss brain/spine by an inch animal will run away wounded,whereas if projectile going not a hell of a lot faster had hit same place it would stun them somewhat allowing follow up shot...... chest shots are chest shots but with a sub again its a cutting wound without the punch factor.
    I believe Im close to the ultimate bailed pig load...well it WILL BE two loads ,as there is no way around the shortcomings of subs
    first load will be a cast ,powder coated as soft of lead as possible.or a 180 grn XTP....probably going between 1000-1100fps so on edge of subsonic
    and second load will be hotter than a $2 pistol wont matter so much what projectile as long as it hits hard and DOESNT EXIT.....the soft cast do this very very well....
    first load for quiet pigs or smaller pigs and second for the big suckers who may injure dogs or just wont stand and play ball.
    I stuffed it up often enough head shooting my own sheep with subsonic .30 calibre to make me just go back to using .223 with normal loads.....far superior results
    I think with the subsonics, on the bigger animals, its not so much the shockwave, but that there is enough 'play' in the organ cavity for things to move around a bit and move out of the way as the projectile bulldozes its way through.

    I think of it like a parked car without handbrake applied and not in gear. Gets hit end on by a pushbike doing 50km/h. (like a .223) There will be some damage.
    Same car same situation and gets hit by a big truck doing 2km/h. (like a subsonic .44) No dent in car because it rolls out of the way.

    Another way to picture it is to push an object slowly across your bicep in a straight line, the muscle will yield, then imagine same object doing >2000fps, it would just rip a hole.



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