adi and lil gun for the hornet
ADI at under $60 for 500gm hard to beat, except for IMR7828 in .270 and 25/06
ADI is good and available and I use it for all my rifles. ADI is essentially the DuPont recipe as they set up the Mulwalla plant in WW2 for the Aussies. I use Hercules 2400 in my .44 Mag (old Elmer's load is bloody good), WST for target pistol loads of all calibres except for my 10mm where I use WSF.
Yes on the money @Marty Henry
70 grains FFFG behind a 320 grain Lee REAL in my .50 cal means heaps of smoke
ADI 2206H / BM2 for rifles, WSF for 9mm pistol
So seems like ADI is most dominant and it makes sense, cheaper and more readily available. no one use those IMR enduron powders?
Would love to try them but $$ not available to afford to play.
Have some Norma URP and very impressed. Would go more Norma if full range was available and cheaper.
Always had a good run from IMR.
cheers for the feedback team
H414 a slow ball powder, otherwise like H4350. I like the safety of slow powders, can't double charge, and lower pressures for my old guns. Like 4350 an extreme powder, performance quite stable over a range of temps.
Trail Boss, a fast donut flake (and flaky, goes everywhere, sticks to everything halfway static!) powder. Also impossible to double charge full loads. Good for plinking cat's sneeze loads firing one buckshot, and lots of uses for subsonic loads.
And Cordite of course. Get some real old 1940s ammo and you have to re-learn follow-through due to hangfires as it can be a bit hard to catch ignition, and then sometimes kicks like a mule, probably from sweating nitroglycerine.
Also great magic for your bore (can evetually even transform a Lee Enfield Rifle into a smooth-bore musket).
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
ADI 2208 - was recommended to me when I first started to load for a 223.
Stayed with it when I began loading for a 308 as having only one powder for both stops mistakes.
Kept with it as it works for both calibres.
Use about 12 - 15 kg per year for two target shooters (4000 - 5000 loads).
Have tested different batches of 2208 against each other and have not found any discernable difference in velocity or accuracy.
I am using ADI due to reasonable price and easiest to source. Plus I am also in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” crowd. I have found it to be reasonably consistent batch to batch.
AR2209 for .270Win and 7mm08 (oneday I’ll add 6.5CM too)
AP70N for 9mm