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Thread: mallard releases

  1. #16
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    Feb 2013
    The gamekeepers on the preserves would monitor the releases, yes?????? I mean, who else would!!!
    supposedly EeeBees doc as the permit issuers who supposedly retain ownership of the eggs and birds
    and fish and game is fully aware and on top of the process as the statutory body in charge of gamebirds welfare.
    shit i almost choked on that last bit a jibe i in no way direct at f&g,s staff well 99.9% of them
    It is about preserving our RIGHT to gain a permit to shoot in the wild...as per the mandate...
    on it.

    true enough its about f&g fixing whats crook not making it easier for the wealthy to buy thier way out of the situation or escorting the overeseas ones around whats really happening and giving the overseas ones a preserves/guides eye view that all is well by buying birds in.
    while joe average has to suck on it.
    aw is f..k.d because the waterways of 20 to 35 years ago are f..k.d pollution+ nutrient and chemical leeching= invasive blooms and shit where ducks wont or cant live
    pure and simple the rest [predators, , feed shortages desease ] is just a by product of this.
    in the waikato is dairy not still king? so land use change is rather a mute arguement .
    Last edited by gsp follower; 19-01-2016 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #17
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    I belong to a gundog group and one of the things on a meeting agenda was to write to the local regional council regarding algal bloom...members of the council did reply which was pleasing...but not really helpful in respect to our plea for signage etc warning people...in today's paper there was mention of it and some people are seemingly getting the point that those of us with dogs have been blethering on about for sometime...the loss of dogs probably doesn't effect those who do not own them, but when children become sick then things really crank up (as they should)...all that to say, while the preserves slobber over the chance to make more ducats, where is the pressure from those who should know in regard to fishing in our rivers...does F&G ever petition the councils over such matters...or is it a matter of who's sandpit is the bigger and what toys are in it...
    gsp follower likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

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  3. #18
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    true enough its about f&g fixing whats crook not making it easier for the wealthy to buy thier way out of the situation or escorting the overeseas ones around whats really happening and giving the overseas ones a preserves/guides eye view that all is well by buying birds in.
    while joe average has to suck on it.
    It's not as cut and dried as that I don't think. There could be an honest discussion on this topic. The concept has some merit. Less access may be bought out from the average kiwi hunter- which is happening for a while under one guise or another. One property shooting semi tame birds might give 30? 40? 50? licence buyers a killing fix during a season. That could require a lot of access were wild birds only being provided for guests.

    Good reasonings or not it's pretty clear- despite straight forward legislation game bird hunting in NZ will see a significant widening of opportunity to hunt between the "have's" and the "have not's". Poor people aren't good clients anyway.
    gsp follower likes this.

  4. #19
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    I belong to a gundog group and one of the things on a meeting agenda was to write to the local regional council regarding algal bloom...members of the council did reply which was pleasing...but not really helpful in respect to our plea for signage etc warning people...in today's paper there was mention of it and some people are seemingly getting the point that those of us with dogs have been blethering on about for sometime...the loss of dogs probably doesn't effect those who do not own them, but when children become sick then things really crank up (as they should)...all that to say, while the preserves slobber over the chance to make more ducats, where is the pressure from those who should know in regard to fishing in our rivers...does F&G ever petition the councils over such matters...or is it a matter of who's sandpit is the bigger and what toys are in it...
    its the same here we find out abound it from an announcement by the canterbury regional medical officer usually then the other groups second.
    you,l probably find to that anywhere joe public go,s they monitor cos they,re dead frightened of the scenario you mention.
    but as for doing anything about what algae is present and usually dormant seasonaly now going ape.?
    usually a summer event we worringly have had a winter outbreak after a unseasonal period of warm wheather and low rainfall.
    im shocked there has been more cases of human poisoning already unless its bieng passed off or mistaken as something else
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-01-2016 at 11:25 AM.

  5. #20
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    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    im inclined to agree tim.
    the incongruity of a licencee funded organisation treating its shareholders like mushrooms is also not lost on me.
    could it be they expect a far greater tourist based cash injection to out wiegh our meagre contributions
    why when preserves in the aw region felt slighted by not bieng able to do what was already happening in other regions,did they mount a pr offensive via media including geoff thomas outdoors show??
    but no one?them the most? wants to have a open disscussion on mallaRD releases private or preserve based??
    why was eastern region able ,against a nationaly stated policy able to change the preserve rules on duckshooting with nary a cough or splutter at national level .
    surely lindsey lyons cant claim ignorance of the policy as he,s national chairman aS WELL AS A EASTERN COUNCILLOR.
    AS FOR the 2 day hen pheasant take the less said about that bit of short sighted stupidity the better..
    perhaps theyre frightened of a uprising ?licencees seeing duck releases as the straw that broke the proverbial?
    more likely theyre hoping thier releases will be seen as philanthropic gestures to the duck hunting public which clearly they arent as evidenced by aw draft report.
    without predator control and follow up which f&g says they dont have the dough or the time for, mallard release would be useless so are they backing secretly or otherwise preserve/ private releases even knowing the limitations and possible detriments to the average gunner. ??.
    preserves are businesses and will expect a return on those releases and if aw are correct most of those birds will never leave the preserves alive but how many wild birds will mobs of tame fed mallards draw.
    as has been pointed out to me tourist operators touting shooting trips need guarenteed targets and hopefuly more than a 3 month window to target them.
    hence maybe the move to delist parries along with geese i imagine that would make a hunters anytime shooting trip to nz worth the gamebird side hunt.
    preserves already have longer seasons for the some of the gamebirds they provide imagine that extended to mallards they release.
    It may be of interest to hunters that the killing of HEN pheasants in the wild has been removed from the 2016 season's licence & hopefully for every year after that!!!!

    Myself & a colleague ( Wildfowler's Assn members) got a petition going in late 2014 which was signed by many pissed off hunters and presented to ERF&G in Oct/Nov last when the 2016 season regs were being set. So sanity has returned!!!! Hopefully this sort of nonsense won't raise its ugly head again!!!!!!

  6. #21
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    It may be of interest to hunters that the killing of HEN pheasants in the wild has been removed from the 2016 season's licence & hopefully for every year after that!!!!

    Myself & a colleague ( Wildfowler's Assn members) got a petition going in late 2014 which was signed by many pissed off hunters and presented to ERF&G in Oct/Nov last when the 2016 season regs were being set. So sanity has returned!!!! Hopefully this sort of nonsense won't raise its ugly head again!!!!!!

    excellent work .
    what do you think of eastern allowing preserve duck shooting??

    im not thier biggest fan admittedly but i think they have given me good reason..
    the stupid hen pheasant take and thier interference in hawkes bay to the point of co,opting thier finances and then excluding the public from any discussion of the relationship.
    along with certain elements bieng lead by the nose for the tourist dollar in opening preserves to ducks .
    in doing so creating a precedent that aw shoot owners and hunting lease buyers long for .which will infect hawkes bay then spread.
    .with doctor bryce semingly now not giving a m.onkeys when regions give national council the finger.
    .i bet southland has a wry grin given the reaming they got for stepping out of line not so long back
    but i guess with lyons as national chairman and the apparent interest in overseas money instead of ours nothing surprises.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-01-2016 at 01:41 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  7. #22
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    Paul Stenning
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    Duck Farming
    Yesterday at 10:13pm Being born into a very serious trout fishing family I was brought up on a diet of the evils of trout farming and the impending doom that would result from it happening in New Zealand .... disease .... poaching .... pollution ... genetic risks etc. etc. ... basically a few people wanting to put a wild fishery at risk to line their pockets under the disguise of doing some good for the country? My dad was involved in fighting trout farming in the past and I have continued that fight to keep NZ a pristine wild trout fishery ... it's an risk that will never go away but the old Acclimatisation Society and now Fish and game have a done a great fighting the farming of an acclimatised species!

    How come then the farming and sale of Mallards is so excepted in not only the wider hunting community but by Fish and Game regions around the country? There is just as much evidence from overseas about the risks of captive reared Mallards on wild populations as there is on the risk of trout farming! Disease .... poor genetics ..... poaching etc. etc.

    Under the guise of helping struggling Mallard populations we might be going down a very risky road not only to the health of our in some regions already struggling Mallard populations but creating an salable item from a what is supposed to be a public resource.

    I am interested in everyone else's opinions?
    cough bullshit cough
    Permits to release captive-reared waterfowl are the responsibility of the Department of Conservation, and thus there is no statutory requirement for Fish & Game to be involved with or even notified of any such releases
    its niether widespread nor acceptedly only maybe by aw eastern so by proxy hb but you cant sell them.
    Most transfers should be of birds to other authorised permit holders, e.g. Fish & Game councils for the purpose of liberation and population enhancement, and perhaps licensed game preserves. It is noted on the authorisations that all birds, eggs and progeny remain the property of the Crown.
    so you,ve been giving eastern and your national chairman an earful at national level paul??
    Under the guise of helping struggling Mallard populations we might be going down a very risky road not only to the health of our in some regions already struggling Mallard populations but creating an salable item from a what is supposed to be a public resource
    Rearing and releasing programmes are often viewed as a quick fix solution to creating more ducks.
    To date, both internationally and in the Waikato results have been mixed. In general harvest rates
    are low for captive-reared ducks released into the wild. In the Waikato results have varied from less
    than 1% in a wetland area to 22% on Matingarahi Station where a concerted effort was made to
    feed the birds and control predators. In addition, captive-reared mallards have typically been shot
    on the property where they were released, and thus the returns are highly localised.

    man dont yopu read other councils stuff paul
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-01-2016 at 03:29 PM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Meeting of the
    New Zealand Fish and Game Council
    Brentwood Hotel, Wellington
    Friday 24 July 2015
    Director-General of Conservation
    3.08pm Lou Sanson the Director General of Conservation arrived at the meeting. After introductions
    he provided an outline of points central to his activity in recent times:
     The Department is now getting clear lines of responsibilities back with operations directors
    and managers and realigning some DOC boundaries (Central North Island and Nelson/West
    Coast). The Partnerships component will be much smaller.
     The Department’s new strategy has been released and includes 50 (up from 10) freshwater
    projects. Iwi relations are going to be important in this operational area over freshwater
     The new CE of the Ministry for the Environment is Vicky Robinson. She has agreed to work
    with Lou on water quality. Fish and Game would like to participate in any efforts on water
     There is ongoing effort into controlling pests. The emphasis will be on looking at how to stop
    recolonisation of areas cleared of pests. Pest free Mt Taranaki continues to be an important
    project for DOC.
    The subject of permits being issued to release mallard into the wild without consultation with Fish and
    Game was raised. The DG asked that a letter be written to him outlining the issues.

    The retirement of the Director Services Northern North Island was mentioned and his contribution to
    Fish and Game was lauded.
    The Conservation Infringement Fine System as submitted to Cabinet by the Minister was explained.
    This is being introduced with the proposal at introduction not including Fish and Game. However,
    Fish and Game is to be considered after the first year of the legislation.
    mmm naughty doc???
    rom: Andrew Grant <agrant@doc.govt.nz>
    To: Kevin Brown <kw.brown15@yahoo.co.nz>
    Sent: Thursday, 14 January 2016 2:11 PM
    Subject: RE: duck shooting on preserves

    Hi Kevin
    I am not at liberty to provide you with list of names and addresses but I can check details where you provided specific information.

    In general then I will provide you with some answers to your original questions.

    Yes DOC does issue permits to hold mallards. Fish and Game also have delegated authority from the Minister to manage mallards and issue authorities to kill. [U]I can assure you that whenever the Department receives an application to hold or kill mallards the relevant Fish and Game Office is consulted on that application.[/U
    that right since when ??
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-01-2016 at 05:15 PM.
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  9. #24
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    One-hundred-and-seventeenth meeting of the
    New Zealand Fish and Game Council
    CQ Hotel, Wellington
    Friday 25 & Saturday 26 September 2015
    Commencing 9.45 am
    Andy Garrick (Eastern) has met with Hamilton DOC about irregularities with permits for
    releasing mallards. The DOC permitting committee see no reason for permitting not to be
    given to Fish and Game. Discussion remains ongoing
    clearly its ongoing then

  10. #25
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    @gsp follower, where do I look for the freshwater strategy(ies), please? Derrrrrr, I have a look for DOC via mr googly...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    dont tORture yourself EeeBEES.

    the basic stradegy is if you can wade in it ''she,l be right.
    just for christ sake get any in your gob/guts
    f&g has some but without local and central goverment support and input they,re going nowhere fast.
    tho there are the occasional success stories
    our only real hope is the number of farmers doing a bit ,sometimes a fair bit ,off thier own backs.
    Last edited by gsp follower; 20-01-2016 at 07:57 PM.

  12. #27
    Just another outdoors addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post

    so you,ve been giving eastern and your national chairman an earful at national level paul??

    man dont yopu read other councils stuff paul
    Cut it out. It's pretty tame censored opinion over there these days. There's a perfectly informative thread running here.

    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    It may be of interest to hunters that the killing of HEN pheasants in the wild has been removed from the 2016 season's licence & hopefully for every year after that!!!!

    Myself & a colleague ( Wildfowler's Assn members) got a petition going in late 2014 which was signed by many pissed off hunters and presented to ERF&G in Oct/Nov last when the 2016 season regs were being set. So sanity has returned!!!! Hopefully this sort of nonsense won't raise its ugly head again!!!!!!
    That's good to hear and good on you and your association. I felt it a diversionary motion to overshadow allowing mallard shooting on preserves and would likely be dropped under "pressure" at some point. Bunch of good buggers that council.
    Last edited by Breda; 20-01-2016 at 08:10 PM.

  13. #28
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    The DOC permitting committee see no reason for permitting not to be given to Fish and Game.

    Bluddy Nora...maybe DOC wants to disassociate itself from all the argie bargie...they have enough problems of their own...

    It is not a question of how long a piece of rope is, but how you knot it...
    Breda and gsp follower like this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    The DOC permitting committee see no reason for permitting not to be given to Fish and Game.

    Bluddy Nora...maybe DOC wants to disassociate itself from all the argie bargie...they have enough problems of their own...

    It is not a question of how long a piece of rope is, but how you knot it...
    fish and game need to be doing the permitting but in thier current bolloxed up state they dont know if thier arthur or martha.
    ofcourse as the statutory body responsible they shoud know whats going where and to what purpose.
    but in the fight to dismantle and discredit not tool is bieng left on the shed wall.
    factor in some self destructive f&g internal kerfuffle[ ie eastern ,hawkes bay, guide and other tourism interests, and some election questions] and you may have a perfect storm for the whole outfit to fall over.
    its been said to me would commissioners be a bad thing ?ofcourse they would in the control sence but in the sence of how broken do we let f&g get?? i dont know so much anymore.

  15. #30
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Imagine the free for all if and when the permitting goes tother way...we could all have a couple of mallies in the bath..
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...



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