Tentative date Saturday 03 December. Lunchtime onwards, but will kick off the bonfire etc 5pm-ish
Before the silly season gets into full swing, who's keen on a forum catchup around a fire, cook up some game over the coals, drink some bevies and swap bullshit stories?
I'm offering up my farm location:
20 minutes West of Taupo.
plenty of camping sites
warmish shower tent
clean water
a big bonfire
A 14 ft x 14 ft kitchen tent
A dry room for about 4 people of 'superior youth' (old farts that don't want to camp under canvas) to sleep on mattresses/camp stretchers.
The rest bring your home on your back, back of ute or whatever and make yourself comfy.
It would be good to get a rough idea of numbers etc, so yell out below if you are interested, then closer to the time pm me for location details etc.