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Thread: I have learn't to love 3" 36 gram recoil

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Good choice, do you mind me asking who you got it from in the end ?

  2. #17
    R93 is offline
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  3. #18
    R93 is offline
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    I see a few on trademe for $2150 from Gun shitty. Theres a 12g for 2 gs on there as well

  4. #19
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Brother was telling me all about the advantages of "modern" steel. He had some Kent stuff and it was Ok, much much better than what I used to use for the one morning I tried steel the first season. Almost had me convinced.

    That was before opening. Now he is bitching about a sore cheek and shoulder. Bastard had the best opening any of us in the family have ever had (without me). He deserves it All shot through an M2 12g.

    I could shoot a slab of ammo through my 20g and not feel it.
    I know how you feel Tussock, my mates had a good shoot as well. I plan to never miss an opening again.
    In my experience I am convinced, having used both types of shot extensively, that lead shot kills quicker at range and retains its energy to the target better. I have noted that steel sometimes inflicts an almost ripping type of wound apposed to a puncture wound. I have never been a fan of using it. It is the main reason I am going to a 20g, so I can go back to lead.

  5. #20
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    hmmm seems to be a popular trend going to 20ga from what I hear! I mean I went straight for a 12 because hell I know it will do what I want it to do and more,covers all bases and is cheap to shoot...

    whats the deal with using lead and 20ga etc?

  6. #21
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Anyone tried the new fancy non toxic shot that is both harder and heavyer than lead? imagine it would be expensive but should increase effective range over lead? I dont shoot birds so have no idea.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  7. #22
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Scotty from reloaders swears by the stuff and its reasonably expensive, tbh for the price your paying for it you may as well buy federal black cloud... I've also heard people swear not to touch it ever again so be carefull!

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    "I have learn't to love 3" 36 gram recoil " Its a very effective load ,I quite like it too
    36g in 2 3/4" works great too #4's are great for Parries .(lead)
    RD1 have Winchester Bushman at a good price

  9. #24
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    I'm having a couple of mates over, one of whom doesn't want a bruised shoulder..... hmmm i'll put the first 3 rounds in of trap ammo and then pop a mini mag 42gram in there
    should be great fun to see his reaction(safety first)

    hmmm mini mag should go well on parries id imagine, haven't actually shot any with lead yet, thought I'd teach myself to get in close for a guarenteed clean kill like i would a deer so i'm very intrested to see how lead performs!

    a teacher from school whom i've kept in contact with uses the tungsten stuff in his 16g oau and he loves it, i



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