Being in my possession for a few weeks now daylight hours make it hard this time of year and a young family keeps me busy on the weekends so a day off was in order.
Promising speed with more to go .
Tried both fed 210 and fed 215 as powders right on my cross over between the two of 70gns and intresting enough it was like a switch up to 70gns 210s were the winner and the 215 shinned after 70.
Back to the range in the morning before work as my last 5 rounds and a new box of projectiles were all jammed . Teach me for not checking and a lesson to always check between boxs the previous box was seating 20thou off and is also some of the original 180eldm from years ago the latter box is the latest lot im not sure if they have tweaked the shape or its just standard hornady junk.
Regardless they shoot well would have put 20 shots into an inch today.
Get thisnrange trip out of the way in the morning with the last of my ladder and will shoot some groups.