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Thread: I'll say this DoC survey is bullshit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Central North Island

    I'll say this DoC survey is bullshit


    Or at the very least skewed due to the locations and types of people they surveyed. Saying that there are more mountaineers in the hills than hunters has to be one big mug of bullshit!
    "There were additional focus groups held in Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown"
    How about surveying rural people, you know, communities where one in every three people are hunters!!!

    Would be useful to know how they decided where to survey people from. Has anyone on this forum ever been surveyed by DoC re this subject???
    chainsaw and Moa Hunter like this.

  2. #2
    Member rugerman's Avatar
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    It always pays to check carefully before you do a survey so you can poll the area you think you will get the results you are looking for. Such as looking at a high alpine area and finding more mountain climbs than any other type of people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Depending on the survey most of us could tick heaps of the pastimes.
    But surveys can easily be skewed when picking one only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I agree, the people who understand the outdoors were in the minority. The most people surveyed were day walkers , and the like who wouldn't have a clue of the state of the real environment, they don't get off the tracks so who are they to comment on these matters.
    Wonder what that survey cost?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yep, check out the line for swimming.
    you cant tell me 52% of NZer's go swimming 1 or more times a year.

  6. #6
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Also interesting only 43% felt the risks involved in eliminating pests were worth it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    “Whereas only around one in ten Kiwis say they go hunting”

    One in ten? That’s more than I’d have picked
    That is 500,000 hunters out there (1:10)......Thats interesting as there are only 250,000-300,000 licensed firearms owners so that means that 200,000 plus hunt without guns or hunt with supervision....
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    That survey doesnt match up with a recent survey I conducted..........
    In my survey the following statistics emerged.

    100% of the respondents indicated that they either currently hunted or had hunted on Doc controlled land.
    100% of the respondents had a current firearms licence.
    100% of the respondents owned more than 1 firearm.
    75% of the respondents indicated that they were dissatisfied with 'Doc's performance especially as it related to their interactions with hunters. * ( See note 1 Below under question 4)
    125% were against the use of 1080.* ( See note 2 below)
    100% of respondents thought this current Govt were crap.
    75% drank beer. * ( See note 3 below)
    75% owned 1 or more diesel utes. * ( See note 4 below)
    200% didnt trust the media. * ( See note 5 below)
    75% thought the Barmaid was hot. * (See note 6 below)
    25% of respondents admitted swimming in the last 12 mths * ( See note 7 below)

    * Note 1 re Question 4: Dave thought they were doing an 'ok ' job. (in his defence he is only 27 yrs old)
    * Note 2 re question 5: Pete voted twice.
    * Note 3 re question 7: Mike said beer gave him indigestion so he only drank Rum & coke. ( when it was his turn to shout he would buy 2 beers for the rest of us)
    * Note 4 re question 8: Dave owns a Range Rover and tows his toys (quads and boat) with that and when he needs a ute for hunting, goes with Pete.
    * Note 5 re question 9: We all voted twice.
    * Note 6 re question 10: Mike voted against this as the barmaid reminded him of his ex wife.
    * Note 7 re question 11: In my defence, it was involuntary cos I slipped while crossing a stream.

    This survey had and accuracy of .+/- 10% cos I lost my pencil after the 7th beer.

    We will be carrying out a follow up survey in 3 mths time if anyone else is interested in taking part. Only those with similar views to the above will be accepted though.

  9. #9
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    That is 500,000 hunters out there (1:10)......Thats interesting as there are only 250,000-300,000 licensed firearms owners so that means that 200,000 plus hunt without guns or hunt with supervision....
    So 200,000 pig hunters

  10. #10
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Im actually not surprised at all

    Example a couple of years back i was up on the rangiwahia main ridge with a couple others hunting during the roar.

    Big ass area and a few hunters acattered around

    But there would have been at least 50 trampers spotted in the couple of days and mayb 15 people hunting.

    I personally know more people that go tramping then hunting evo tho sometimes the trampers will take a firearm along more oftern then not they are just out there getting some time in nature with no firearm at all.

    Keep in mind the far majority of hunting never venture onto doc land and its all private access.
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  11. #11
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Agree .
    We do vast majority of hunting on doc .
    Recently in particular there's a lot more trampers than hunters . That said a large chunk of those trampers seem to be tourists or recent arrivals to the country .
    And that seems to also be seasonal .
    A few years back at one of our local hut of the nine people there 8 of us had firearms .
    Last we were there at Xmas only my family were armed and the other 20 odd people who passed through in the few days we were there were trampers and as mentioned , most were from overseas and doing the walk the length of the country and had been for months , rather than locals just out for a bush walk .
    born to hunt - forced to work

  12. #12
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman View Post
    I agree, the people who understand the outdoors were in the minority. The most people surveyed were day walkers , and the like who wouldn't have a clue of the state of the real environment, they don't get off the tracks so who are they to comment on these matters.
    Wonder what that survey cost?
    Strange view IMHO ... they are "users" of the outdoors just as much as any hunter who ventures off track. I'd say they have as much right to comment as anyone else...

    Hunters use tracks to get in and out of the bush. If I had to guess about folks I met on tracks in the Tararuas over the last decade, less than 10% of those were hunters.
    199p, JessicaChen and Micky Duck like this.
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