I need to bring this again on the table
I had a chat today on the 0800 firearm safety number and....and asked about arms items
1. the girl who answered knew nothing --- off course
2. spent 29 minutes, the majority on hold
But looked through the arms act 1983 and regulation act 1992.
According to the the arms act 1983 current on the legislation.govt.nz
chapter 2 interpretation:
arms item means an item of any of the following classes:
(a) firearms (including prohibited firearms):
(b) magazines (including prohibited magazines):
(c) parts (including prohibited parts):
(d) airguns:
(e) pistols:
(f) restricted weapons:
(g) pistol carbine conversion kits
So, there is a difference between an arm items and major parts
The Firearm safety authority lists the "activating circumstances" on this link and if you open each one of them talks about "
arms item" as this is the key word used.
let's say the importation of parts for a firearm which is one of the activating circumstances the Firearms Safet Authority" says:
"The first time you import an arms item you must register that item within 30 days of the item being released by New Zealand Customs.
You must register all remaining arms items in your possession within 30 days of this activating circumstance."
they do not say importation of a major part. They simply says importation of an arms item.
Ok, you may argue how you can register a pin or a spring or a trigger but I am pretty sure this will be used as an activating circumstance and then they will tell you that you only need to register the firearms,