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Love your harness and safety kit! hahahaha
Mine are a MS361, had from new and a Germanic version not the US with the EPA cat muffler or the hairless version (Brazilian made) and a MS260. Only mods to the 361 so far are a set of lightweight dual dogs as I couldn't bring myself to use the clutch cover when crutching out avos and an o-ring and a bit of grease to seal up the air filter better. From what I can see, the air filter is the only real weakness on this saw - I do prefer it to the similar sized husqy offerings although there's a slight weight and vibration penalty with the 361. The MS260 was CHEAP and has had a bit of repair work, replacing rubber parts and cleaning out the carby etc. It was a commercial lawn and garden contractor's saw so done a power of work, well broken in haha and man, it cuts like the finger of god. The thing is incredible really, a revelation after homeowner saws.
At some stage I'll get a piccy of them in the box I knocked up.
I've had a 660, 044, 361, 026's, 288, 36, 136, Jonsered 2036, Makita something, McCutnot somesuch and blah blah, probably a few others I can't recall. There was a 038 in there somewhere too I think? So yeah no real brand loyalty as such, but what I def don't like is the offboard clutch as I had them jam up on noodles and be impossible to pull apart and also if you pinch a bar you can't get the saw off it while the bar is jammed. Pain in the arse... Also I don't particularly like the Husqy internal design as they are really fiddly and tightly packed in if you have to perform surgery. Which seems to me to be really frequently required with the husqy's I've had - I dunno might just be me. The Jonsered (basically a Husqy 36) was one of the most frustrating saws I've had, went awesome when it went. Then it stopped and wouldn't start until it cooled down... Did everything to it, muffler mod, air filter refresh, fuel and carby rekit and tune, strip and clean the air injection system, finally found the issue with the fuel line getting pinched between a plastic case flashing an ali cooling fin. Had to trim the fuel line to re-route it away from the pinch point. Stupid thing...