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Thread: Level 3 hunting ban lifted - only on private land

  1. #76
    Member aetchell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Nup. I wear the pants in this house. Fucking company that is laying it has put it off since December and I have planned around their shit 3 times now. They can eat a dick and do it when I'm ready.........

    Anyone have a trolley jack or sack bearer I could borrow for a few days?

    Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk
    We had this issue with Flooring Extra. Wife banned me from speak to them due to my enjoyment of shouting and raging at people.
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  2. #77
    Member aetchell's Avatar
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    “This helps with consistency across walking and mountain biking where people must stay local, rather than travelling to back country conservation land.
    I thought walking on DoC last was permitted, at least day ways. I had planned on parking near a service track up the rimutaka hill and walking to the rail trail summit on Tuesday. is this not allowed?

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    What is the rationale behind being allowed to hunt on private land (obviously with permission), but not public land?
    Im picking its because its easily monitored a land owner is unlikley going to let on 12 people at a time hunt his 8000acres. The public land could see 12 people in 1 acre with out anybody knowing their for upping the risk of an accident dare I day it. Especially with the coments/videos im seeing all over the internet from jumped up pumped up "hunters" really making the wider hunting community look like a bunch of trigger happy govt hating winging little bitchs . If im seeing publicly posted videos of morons with their rifles pointed at the tv watching hunting shows in their lounge while their 5y/o is in the background watching (watching equals learning) monkey see monkey do. Whos to say for example the powers at be are not seeing these documenting them as "ammo" in their hypothetical conspiracy theorists war against hunters . Its embarrassing. They can not just take our hunting away but what they can do is police the living snot out of it . Who wants to see us go down foreign routes of tags? I dont so im happy to wait it out

    Cyclops and Steve123 like this.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    Yep. They were always going to. Thanks to this pandering government. But the rest of us can get f@#$ed.

  5. #80
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    Yep.Discrimination. I hunt for meat too. Heads have akways just been a byproduct. Missin my fishin too.
    veitnamcam likes this.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  6. #81
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    What is the rationale behind being allowed to hunt on private land (obviously with permission), but not public land?
    As Kelton says, I expect it is because private landowners can limit numbers of hunters, and who goes where when. Public land you could end up with 100 people all hunting the same area on the same day.

  7. #82
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by aetchell View Post
    I thought walking on DoC last was permitted, at least day ways. I had planned on parking near a service track up the rimutaka hill and walking to the rail trail summit on Tuesday. is this not allowed?
    The PM said today that DOC land was closed for tramping under level 3. But I would not be surprised if that's incorrect.

  8. #83
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    It will be a "mistake" again . . .

  9. #84
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    A lot of river beds which are classed as Hydro waters,not Doc land, have deer on them.

  10. #85
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    It will be a "mistake" again . . .
    Noooooooooooooo.................................su rely not. The "Great One" um, ahh, um never makes mistakes
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  11. #86
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Ok I just got this from COLFO. Now I do surggest that you read it twice before you make a comment!
    It gives you a lot of answers! to the above aguments.

    Dear Sideshow

    "As you may have seen in the media, in the last few hours the Government has announced that hunting can resume under Level 3 with conditions.

    In short, while this is a major U-turn from the Government, it’s still a mixed bag and a lot of people are going to be disappointed. We have yet to see the formal legal terms of the restriction. They’ll be what actually rules. This note is based on the media release.

    At Level 3 hunting will be allowed but only on private land (with the landowner’s permission) and this must be within your region and bubble. Overnight trips are not allowed and hunting must be done on foot, excluding the use of helicopters, quad bikes and other motorised vehicles.

    I have copied at the end of this email the Ministerial press release so you can work out from the horse's mouth what they might intend.

    Before I go into our specific concerns, I want to stick my head out and thank NZDA, GAC, F&G and the ACT Party for their work behind the scenes over the last few weeks. I know there will never be a universal view on these matters, and many will be upset that this doesn't go far enough, but I can say with confidence that had it not been for all of their hard work behind the scenes, we would be facing an even longer lockdown on hunting – with no change under Level 3. Go back and read my email from just a week ago – when the message from Wellington was simply "hunting is banned under Level 3".

    Remember too that the Government this afternoon promised Level 2 will see a full return to hunting as we know it.

    But I admit that I’m gutted my balloted hunt is now cancelled, and while the news is certainly better than a total ban it seems arbitrary that hunting on DOC land is not allowed, but hunting in the private forestry block next door (with permission) is fine. If the Government was thinking solely in safety terms (and reducing animal pressure on the bush through winter) they would want hunting pressure more spread out.

    I think it’s probably a reflection that tramping, camping, cycling etc in the DOC estate is still not allowed under Level 3, so they are trying to be consistent.

    And for those who don’t have access to a private property for hunting, it feels like a raw deal. Many of those people would normally be filling up the freezer right now during the roar, so this announcement won't help them, so no wonder many are feeling excluded and unheard.

    Duck shooters face a longer wait. Opening weekend will be the second Saturday after return to level 2. There are signals that the season will be extended to compensate

    There is still one gaping hole though – and that is the status of ranges. I know that many hunters will need to head down to a range to sight in their firearms before they can safely head out. Their status is still unclear, so we’ll keep plugging away at that and keep you updated.

    Stay safe."

    "Nicole McKee"

    Level 3 rules for hunting confirmed

    23 APRIL 2020

    HON GRANT ROBERTSON — Sport and Recreation
    HON EUGENIE SAGE — Conservation

    Hunters will be able to hunt on private land with special restrictions when New Zealand moves to COVID-19 Alert Level 3, but not on public conservation land, Sport and Recreation Minister Grant Robertson and Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage announced today.

    Hunting has not been allowed since New Zealand moved to Alert Level 4, but a shift to Level 3 next Tuesday morning will mean hunters can once again hunt locally - as long as they have the landholder’s permission and stick to the rules.

    “We know that hunting is an important part of life for many New Zealanders, and in some cases a critical source of food. At Level 3 we also need to minimise the risk of losing the great progress we’ve made together in Alert Level 4 in stamping out the virus. We have to strike a balance, and that’s why these rules are designed to allow hunting in a limited way,” Grant Robertson said.

    “Cabinet has agreed hunting on private land will be allowed under Alert Level 3, so long as hunters stay within their region and stick to their bubble. Hunting is only permitted on foot and overnight trips are not allowed. The use of quad bikes, off-road bikes, helicopters and other motorised vehicles is prohibited.”

    Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said hunting on public conservation land is not allowed until the time when there is a decision for New Zealand return to Alert Level 2.

    “While many hunters may want to head to popular spots on public land to target the last stag of the roar, under Alert Level 3 hunting on public conservation land will remain off limits,” Eugenie Sage said.

    “This helps with consistency across walking and mountain biking where people must stay local, rather than travelling to back country conservation land.

    “The start of the duck hunting season is being postponed from Saturday 2 May to start on the second weekend after that date that is decided for when New Zealand moves to Alert Level 2. The season will also end later,” Eugenie Sage said.

    “I know this is disappointing but for many duck hunters the social interaction around hunting is an important part of the activity, especially at opening weekend. The risks associated with groups of people coming together is too high.

    “The two-week delay to the start of the season after a decision is made to move into Level 2 was determined in consultation with the New Zealand Fish and Game Council and I want to thank them for their constructive engagement with these decisions.

    “All New Zealanders will still have an opportunity to hunt ducks, at the same time, once we return to Alert Level 2.

    “We’re still encouraging New Zealanders to spend time in nature where possible if it’s local, but this is not the time to take up hunting as a new hobby or explore the back country and go on an overnight tramp. Use your common sense – stay local, stay safe,” Eugenie Sage said.

    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
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  12. #87
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    I am so absolutely fucking cunted with this weasel-piss government I can't wait for the opportunity to vote them out

    Slimeball spasmodic wank-stains the lot of them

  13. #88
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigar View Post
    The PM said today that DOC land was closed for tramping under level 3. But I would not be surprised if that's incorrect.
    Yep, she was wrong.
    This is from the DOC website:
    “Under Alert Level 3 New Zealanders will be able to enjoy a little more of the great outdoors, but DOC’s campsites, huts and visitor centres will remain closed,” Mike Slater says.

    Visitors can enjoy local DOC tracks, but overnight activities will not be permitted.

    “We’re still encouraging New Zealanders to spend time in nature, but at Alert Level 3 there will be limitations – any outdoor activities should remain local, be limited to shorter local tracks around three hours, and visitors need to maintain two-metre physical distancing.”

  14. #89
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    What? !

    Does that mean a day hunt on our public land administered by DoC is ok?
    I understood Sage had stated DoC had disabled the petmit section of their website.
    Have things changed already since their midday and 6pm "pronouncements and edicts"?
    Summer grass
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  15. #90
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    Colfo are wrong:

    I think it’s probably a reflection that tramping, camping, cycling etc in the DOC estate is still not allowed under Level 3, so they are trying to be consistent.
    There have been no evidence of cycling being banned on public land, under level 4.

    Under level 3 the covid 19 website says:

    Tramping is ok for day walks on easy trails, same for mountain biking if you are experienced and know the trail. Please be aware of maintaining two metres distance from other people.
    Problem for the government is they can't keep their lies straight



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