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Thread: Climate

  1. #211
    Join Date
    May 2023
    So,no comment on my post eh?
    What a sad fearful bunch of sheep we have in NZ nowadays.
    We're allways being told it's our fault and we have to make sacrifices because of our actions.(pay most of our income in tax?)
    It wasn't our actions,no'one even asked us,the powers that we let be just decide for us then blame us
    we're motivated by fear rather than knowledge,just as planned.
    Fear and anxiety is lucsh,evil gets power from our lucsh
    No critical thought,no concept of sovereignty or freedom,programmed with propaganda,do the right thing,pay your fair share,sacrifice for the greater good.
    Who's greater good?
    You don't even know if you have an elected government or a selected corporation running NZ.
    What do you know of the formation of our country?
    Do we have a police force or a corporate policy enforcement agency?
    What is the definition of constable?
    We are living in the most exciting and dynamic time in human history and very few people even notice.
    Keep watching the "news" and msm you think it's catastrophe after catastrophe,fearporn.fearporn
    global boiling,inflation,overpopulation,pandemics,nuclear war,bla,bla,bla.
    You just getting fed line after line.
    Someone in a white coat or even just "an expert" on tv tells you any crap and you believe them
    FFs look outside your square.
    You don't even know what's in the food you eat,you have no idea what's in the drugs your doctor gives you,you have very little idea of how the world around you works.
    Just about everything you think you know has been told to you and you haven't questioned it,at all.
    Ever wondered why we have an abortion "industry"why the push for full term abortion
    If I told you ALL "vaccines" had embryonic feotal tissue in them you'll tell me I'm crazy,check it out for yourself.
    Oh yea,and the other fun stuff,like glycol?
    Do you know what HEk296 is?it's in a lot of your food,coke,pepsi,lots of proccessed crap(food).
    HEK human embryonic kidney tissue.don't believe me,do your own research and prove how crazy I am.
    You all banging on about the climate,has anyone looked in to anything I've mentioned or you just happy to parrot on what you've been told.
    Who's heard of maunchausen by proxyt?mud flood theory,tartaria?operation mocking bird?operation paperclip?operation highjump,lifelog,the gateway project,the hutchinson effect
    project looking glass,the world fairs of the early 1800's with eletric lights,moving footpaths etc?,the electric lorry fleet of london in the early 1900's.
    have you heard of canada's maid programme?
    medical assisted dying YES you read correctly.
    Over the age of 16 you can be killed within 60-90 minutes of giving verbal consent and your organs sold,
    "Doctors" are not legally allowed to deny people this "right"
    This is the sort of evil shit that is bring brought in along with the climate narrative of overpopulation climate fear
    Maybe it's real,maybe some of it's real but I'll wager most have never heard of most of the things I've listed.
    The maids thing is definately real
    Does that make it all wrong?
    Do your own research ffs and btw googling is not researching
    Maybe there is a WHOLE LOT more to the world than what you are being told.
    It's all based on free will.
    You have the free will to do your own research and find out where you really live and what is in your world and what you are really capable of
    or you can keep believing what you're told,live in fear and keep doing what you're told.
    Implementing the will of the psycopaths in the un,wef,imf,who to keep safe(and ignorant)
    What is life on earth based on?Carbon?how is carbon zero gonna work?
    No carbon based life left on earth?
    We have become out own slavemasters,acting out of ignorance and fear rather than knowledge and sovereignty.
    While I absolutely support everyones right to free speech and their own opinion,
    if you are un or misinformed you will probably make bad choices.
    Trouble is when you get scared into making bad choices and giving up your rights to keep yourself safe,you are also giving up my rights too.
    And you cant comply your way out of tyranny.
    STOP MAKING IT SO EASY for the criminals to control us


  2. #212
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Q: ChatGPT, randomly arrange 700 words angrily and incoherently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    So,no comment on my post eh?
    What a sad fearful bunch of sheep we have in NZ nowadays.
    We're allways being told it's our fault and we have to make sacrifices because of our actions.(pay most of our income in tax?)
    It wasn't our actions,no'one even asked us,the powers that we let be just decide for us then blame us
    we're motivated by fear rather than knowledge,just as planned.
    Fear and anxiety is lucsh,evil gets power from our lucsh
    No critical thought,no concept of sovereignty or freedom,programmed with propaganda,do the right thing,pay your fair share,sacrifice for the greater good.
    Who's greater good?
    You don't even know if you have an elected government or a selected corporation running NZ.
    What do you know of the formation of our country?
    Do we have a police force or a corporate policy enforcement agency?
    What is the definition of constable?
    We are living in the most exciting and dynamic time in human history and very few people even notice.
    Keep watching the "news" and msm you think it's catastrophe after catastrophe,fearporn.fearporn
    global boiling,inflation,overpopulation,pandemics,nuclear war,bla,bla,bla.
    You just getting fed line after line.
    Someone in a white coat or even just "an expert" on tv tells you any crap and you believe them
    FFs look outside your square.
    You don't even know what's in the food you eat,you have no idea what's in the drugs your doctor gives you,you have very little idea of how the world around you works.
    Just about everything you think you know has been told to you and you haven't questioned it,at all.
    Ever wondered why we have an abortion "industry"why the push for full term abortion
    If I told you ALL "vaccines" had embryonic feotal tissue in them you'll tell me I'm crazy,check it out for yourself.
    Oh yea,and the other fun stuff,like glycol?
    Do you know what HEk296 is?it's in a lot of your food,coke,pepsi,lots of proccessed crap(food).
    HEK human embryonic kidney tissue.don't believe me,do your own research and prove how crazy I am.
    You all banging on about the climate,has anyone looked in to anything I've mentioned or you just happy to parrot on what you've been told.
    Who's heard of maunchausen by proxyt?mud flood theory,tartaria?operation mocking bird?operation paperclip?operation highjump,lifelog,the gateway project,the hutchinson effect
    project looking glass,the world fairs of the early 1800's with eletric lights,moving footpaths etc?,the electric lorry fleet of london in the early 1900's.
    have you heard of canada's maid programme?
    medical assisted dying YES you read correctly.
    Over the age of 16 you can be killed within 60-90 minutes of giving verbal consent and your organs sold,
    "Doctors" are not legally allowed to deny people this "right"
    This is the sort of evil shit that is bring brought in along with the climate narrative of overpopulation climate fear
    Maybe it's real,maybe some of it's real but I'll wager most have never heard of most of the things I've listed.
    The maids thing is definately real
    Does that make it all wrong?
    Do your own research ffs and btw googling is not researching
    Maybe there is a WHOLE LOT more to the world than what you are being told.
    It's all based on free will.
    You have the free will to do your own research and find out where you really live and what is in your world and what you are really capable of
    or you can keep believing what you're told,live in fear and keep doing what you're told.
    Implementing the will of the psycopaths in the un,wef,imf,who to keep safe(and ignorant)
    What is life on earth based on?Carbon?how is carbon zero gonna work?
    No carbon based life left on earth?
    We have become out own slavemasters,acting out of ignorance and fear rather than knowledge and sovereignty.
    While I absolutely support everyones right to free speech and their own opinion,
    if you are un or misinformed you will probably make bad choices.
    Trouble is when you get scared into making bad choices and giving up your rights to keep yourself safe,you are also giving up my rights too.
    And you cant comply your way out of tyranny.
    STOP MAKING IT SO EASY for the criminals to control us


  3. #213
    mpf is offline
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    I dont want to comment Lurch, but I do have a couple of suggestions . 1 ,remove the sling from your rifle ,this will stop it from banging into the back of your head and ,2, look for something in a smaller calibre or at the least use way less powder and lighter projectiles.
    dannyb likes this.

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mpf View Post
    I dont want to comment Lurch, but I do have a couple of suggestions . 1 ,remove the sling from your rifle ,this will stop it from banging into the back of your head and ,2, look for something in a smaller calibre or at the least use way less powder and lighter projectiles.
    Preferably, hand in your firearms license.
    Tentman, Nick-D, dannyb and 3 others like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    @Lurch I looked up the MAID programme in Canada. You have to have a terminal illness to qualify much like we do in NZ. In the 2minutes I spent looking I didn't see anything of concern.
    What do you think I'll find if I spend 2minutes on any of the other 25 issues listed?

    Like HEK293 which is used in the biotechnology industry. It's not in our food.
    Last edited by Longrun; 01-08-2023 at 12:22 PM.
    Moa Hunter and Eat Meater like this.

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    @Lurch et al . . .

    I have great faith in the "youth of today" to identify and solve the problems of the world. They are a dammed sight smarter and better educated (in critical thinking particularly) than any generation that proceeded them - anyone with 30ish kids or 20ish grandkids can identify with this. As Kiwi's they have wonderful cultural and identity tools as a foundation for the solutions required. I see many young farmers, contractors, scientists etc etc working to meet the chalkenges of their generation - and I have absolute faith in them . .. so consequently sorry but I have no buy-in to the fantasy world you are promoting.
    Tahr, Makros, Nick-D and 3 others like this.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    May 2023
    The generation who don't know what gender they are? that one?
    You really are planning on winging it,aren't you.
    Glad some have had a look for themselves,dunno how much fact is gleaned in 2 minutes but well done.
    Biotech industry?isn't that like "medicine" and "vaccines" ?for like humans and animals?
    Different provinces may have different versions of maid.
    Anyway,got someone to do some research for themselves,no matter how cursory.
    Disappointing,but thats how we got here so no surprise.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurch View Post
    The generation who don't know what gender they are? that one?
    You really are planning on winging it,aren't you.
    Glad some have had a look for themselves,dunno how much fact is gleaned in 2 minutes but well done.
    Biotech industry?isn't that like "medicine" and "vaccines" ?for like humans and animals?
    Different provinces may have different versions of maid.
    Anyway,got someone to do some research for themselves,no matter how cursory.
    Disappointing,but thats how we got here so no surprise.
    My favourite part of all this is always that you fellas spend an hour on a YouTube rabbit hole listening to some dude who can barely read spout completely unprovable claims and then claim to know better than everyone else.

    Get a grip fella
    Ranger 888 likes this.

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    I think we need to separate in our minds climate change and pollution. Plastic junk is bad, and littering is bad, but if it goes to landfill makes no real difference to climate change. It's just changing from a liquid to a solid.
    As a group I think hunters care for the environment, just as fishers care for the health of waterways, so we should do or but to leave the world in the best shape we can. For me, to do that I think we're best to turn our attention to adaptation rather than mitigation. I.e. we should have listened 30 years ago and should have everyone else. We as a society didn't listen and now we need to pay the price. On principle though, we should still do what we can, but at least cost. The big bucks will be needed to clean up the mess or adapt.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
    MB likes this.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Rural TeAwamutu
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Preferably, hand in your firearms license.
    Why....cos he has a different view to the majority...?

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk

  11. #221
    BFA is offline
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    North Island
    Quote Originally Posted by tiroahunta View Post
    Why....cos he has a different view to the majority...?

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk
    Different view= no worries. Jumping off the deep end where the world is a lie and they're out to get you= unhinged. The government can't even fix a pothole, so to think they're capable of participating in a global collaboration to control the masses gives them far to much credit.
    6x47, Nick-D, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  12. #222
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tiroahunta View Post
    Why....cos he has a different view to the majority...?

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk
    Paste that lot into a F A license application and see how far you get.
    Micky Duck and Shamus_ like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  13. #223
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Project looking glass. Sounds sensible to have an airborne control centre if you're in the nuclear war game.

    The Hutchison effect. Notably, Hutchison was unable to replicate any of his observations on demand.

  14. #224
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    Does a f a license have a question about climate change now? Holy shit changed a bit since I got mine
    Tahr and Ben Waimata like this.

  15. #225
    Join Date
    May 2023
    can't fix the pothole or just don't?
    If you don't understand the end you may not understand the means
    Does the condition of the roads discourage you from travelling on them?
    you know,from using your car?

    The deal about maid is the verbal consent.



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