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Thread: Pointer and Setter Trials

  1. #346
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    In fact Petros , I imagine those wonderful European traditions create alot of camaraderie between those groups of hunters that join in them -a sense of belonging to something special and unique .Long live interesting traditions
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  2. #347
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    El B, I admire your stance on this but we have to consider our forebears and just what makes this country. Many were tenant farmers and the like who through adject hardship and the class systems of the Old Country, emigrated to the Americas, the colonies and so on. For it meant that no matter the immediate struggles of such undertakings they were free in will and yes, Gladstone's land settlement reform where you cleared a patch of bush to have first refusal on the adjacent block must have been diabolical for some (and goodness know how the women coped) but it meant that they could have opportunities for themselves and their children; opportunities that they would never had achieved back home, just as when the government was urging the large landholders to sell off parcels of land suddenly opportunities became reality for many. And for many, shunning the constraints and mores of a class system meant they could be themselves...no more clutching of forelocks...!!! Many did not want to have to recall their supplications of the old country. So to that end, many customs were downgraded and often simply because of lack of supply of what made those customs in turn made them no longer really relevant.

    Tweed is interesting...before changes were made to dyes, etc, the natural dyes used in tweed was set by soaking in urine (who's or what urine I cannot say) so those members of the English parliament who wore tweed in the House and without the luxury of air conditioning made the place smell like an urinal!! So maybe the new freedom fighters in the Antepodies just abandoned the whole thing as a piss off

    I for one would love an European St Hubert's Day...but how? Comparing a driven shoot on a preserve which costs the guns a decent packet is not the same as a wild game trial. Our wild game trials are special. Are they not about the dogs? Some people worked very hard to have them introduced into the trial world; we must never forget that.
    Petros_mk likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  3. #348
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    heart warming Ees but no excuse for the low brow style we have in this country and the tall poppy attitude we are so well known for . The chip on the shoulder was hundred years ago .......... dress up and do all events proud is what i believe and you yourself love the traditional french style ...be a devil and come out loud with a little french flare lol
    As far as trialing goes no reason a more traditional outfit cant be worn , the English have been wearing it for years .Trials for me are about dogs and their trainers and camaraderie shared at an event . Lets face it , how much more interesting would we all look dressed in a traditional shooting out fit. I concede Some people will never understand this ....
    Last edited by el borracho; 30-10-2013 at 09:46 PM.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  4. #349
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    It's a bit hard to engender camaraderie when you refer to others as 'ditch diggers' and 'low brow' based on the clothing they choose to wear.
    Pointer and upnorth uplander like this.

  5. #350
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    clothing style not people GQhoon get it right please this is not about people but appearance when eventing be it any sport in NZ as mentioned with the hunt example .
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  6. #351
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    you didnt answer me about your dressing up for events GQHoon ?why do you
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  7. #352
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    Jul 2012
    I suggest you get it right.....your comments are offensive to many whose abilities (and that of their dogs) are to be respected, regardless of what they wear.

  8. #353
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    often differences may appear that way but that doesn't mean an offense is suggested as you apparently are trying to insinuate . Ill take it you dress for events for the same reason i do ......
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  9. #354
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    my comments GQHOON can and do apply to any of our out door sports especially some ive competed in outside dogging .my old shooting club walls were lined with photos of the way we were all dressed for a days eventing --today a shocker .. change not always a good thing
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  10. #355
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    should the dog be shot for such a sin
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    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  11. #356
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Bloody hell El B, has she been taking lessons from my Great Dane?
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  12. #357
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    haha she did a bloody job on it Rushy thats for sure --please to report last night ordered a new one from the UK !! A new whistle , boots , breaks , tie and some other stuff ........... petros will hate it lol
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  13. #358
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Gosh it really has been quiet on the dogs pages lately . A few really good posts from Des O'Neil and some minor from me when I can actually remember whats happened ahhaha the brain is better at forgetting nowadays .My poking of the coals with my half year clothing rant brings out the same old bone chewers LOL

    On to a more serious note who went or knows more of the NZ trials ???? Robyn won with Grant Adolf second with a wire hair -any other news
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  14. #359
    Member Petros_mk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    haha she did a bloody job on it Rushy thats for sure --please to report last night ordered a new one from the UK !! A new whistle , boots , breaks , tie and some other stuff ........... petros will hate it lol
    Whatever floats your boat Brian, its got nothing to do with me or anyone here as long as you don't start firing your shit comments that your co-trialists dress like grave diggers.

  15. #360
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    gee I can t say I have said that that'd be you that said that ..unless you can show me where which you wont as its never been said just assumed by those that don't read properly ..
    it not been said Petros ---- the standard of dress through many sports has declined to a substandard in my opinion and that is what has been expressed so .....unless you think standards haven't of course and coming dressed to what ever type of event how ever you want is ok ??? read before casting your incorrect opinion per se about the very good people I respect and trial with . If you want to know if I think the whole NZ trial scene could dress for the occasion in a traditional out fit and make us a more interesting looking bunch absolutely !!!!But that goes for many sports not just us

    see you Sunday
    Last edited by el borracho; 31-10-2013 at 02:37 PM.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question



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